Most people who farm, at least in Eastern Ontario, know or have heard of North Gower Grains. The man behind this agricultural operation is Dwight Foster, who has lost his battle with cancer at the age of 58 on Jan. 2, 2025. The farm community rallies together to support his family through this difficult time. There were close to 800 people at a celebration of life held on Fri., Jan. 10 at his shop on Lockhead Road in North Gower. Following the ceremony, a procession of trucks and tractors (seen above) stretching nearly 2 kilometres in length followed the funeral hurse as Dwight took his last drive by the farm business he and his wife had built. May you rest in peace Dwight while you watch down on your family as they build on your dreams! See the AgriProfile section for Dwight Foster’s obituary. Tinkess Photo
Saying Goodbye is never easy!