OTTAWA – You know that spring is just around the corner when you start hearing talk about the Ottawa Valley Seed Growers Ottawa Farm Show. The show will be back again this year at the EY Centre,  from March 11-13, bigger and better than ever.

One special effort at the show this year will be an effort to help the Ottawa Mission. Right now, the Mission has been stretched about as far as it can stretch and is need of some additional support. Did you know, for example that The Ottawa Mission:

  • serves 3,103 meals a day
  • shelters 1,549 individuals annually
  • housed 270 clients last year
  • served 17,789 Christmas Meals – A new record
  • 10 per cent of shelter clients are employed

With over 12,000 people waitlisted for subsidized housing, Ottawa became the first city to declare homelessness an emergency in January 2020. This means many people sleep outside in below freezing temperatures for days or months at a time. And from 2020-2023, that number quadrupled! For many, The Ottawa Mission is very much a lifeline, providing shelter, a hot meal, and maybe, just a bit of hope.

One person can make a difference, but if everyone who attended the 2025 Farm Show made a small donation, they could make a real difference. (Last year there were over 13,000 visitors!) Show organizers are asking that you consider a donation of either non-perishable food or any of the items listed below, that The Ottawa Mission is always in need of:

  • New, unopened deodorant, razors, toothbrushes and toothpaste, socks, or underwear.
  • They will also be happy to accept new or gently used shoes and sneakers and light jackets.                

A minimum value of $10 is suggested.

4-H members who donate will be given free admission to the show between 9 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. 

It is a very small price to pay to make a difference in the life of someone who could really use it. And after all, it’s just what we do in the farm community, right?