GUELPH – Deadlines are quickly approaching for some of Agricorp’s programming, including its RMP for livestock, and AgriStability.
“With spring around the corner, farmers are doing a lot of work and planning for the year ahead, including assessing their risk management plans,” an Agricorps release stated. “The programs Agricorp delivers are a valuable part of risk management.”
While the Farm Business Registration program registration ended March 1, the RMP for livestock is open for enrolment until April 1, and the AgriStability program is open until April 30. As for the Production Insurance and the RMP: Grains and Oilseesds programs, the enrolment dates and details have not yet been released. Agricorp suggests keeping an eye on their website ( for updates on when they open for enrolment.
RMP for livestock
With the variety of challenges Ontario livestock farmers face each year, Agricorp suggests that now is the time to consider the RMP for livestock coverage for 2022. April 1 is not only the deadline for enrolment but also the last day for participants to make any coverage changes.
“Farmers may be facing uncertainty, such as fluctuating input costs and market prices for their cattle, hogs, sheep, or veal. This is where RMP for livestock can help. It is designed to work like insurance and help them manage these risks that are beyond their control,” Agricorp’s program description states. “To support farmers, the Government of Ontario is keeping 2022 RMP for livestock premium rates consistent with 2021 premiums.”
The application is available for download on Agricorp’s website, along with instructions. In terms of how the program works, RMP payments are made to farmers if market prices for sold livestock fall below a farmer’s support level, which is based on the industry average cost of producing livestock and the chosen coverage level.
“By participating in RMP for livestock and other programs Agricorp delivers, farmers can get comprehensive coverage that meets their need, when they need it most,” Agricorp states.
According to Agricorp, AgriStability is an important part of a comprehensive suite of risk management programs. It protects producers from large declines in their farming income caused by production loss, increased costs, or market conditions. The farmer’s allowable income and expenses for all commodities they produce are used to calculate their margins, protecting the income of their whole farm.
In addition to whole farm protection, farmers enrolled in the AgriStability program can expect the following: affordable and unique coverage, payments in times of financial distress, access to other credit options and programs, and easier record keeping. More information on the program itself, including improvements, can be found at In addition to a program overview, there is information on eligibility requirements, guidelines, and a how-to on how to apply. The deadline for this program is April 30.
AgriStability is part of a group of programs created under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership agreement on agricultural policy, whereby the cost of AgriStability is shared by the federal and provincial governments on a 60:40 ratio. In Ontario, it is Agricorp that delivers the AgriStability program.
Enrolment details for the Production Insurance and RMP: Grains and Oilseeds have not been released yet. Information on these and other programs, including Farm Property Class Tax Rate Program, Provincial Premises Registry (PPR), and AgriInvest, can be found on the Agricorp website, as well.
Agricorp personnel can also be contacted by phone (1-888-247-4999) and email ( For AgriStability specifically, call 519-826-4334.