Winter Wheat
Vogel Photo

By Kelsey Banks, Agronomist

Many say “time flies” and so does the cropping season it seems. Below is the crop update as of July 18, 2022:


Overall, the corn looks a little dry throughout different parts of Eastern Ontario. It could use some moisture, which we are supposed to get according to The Weather Network. It has been a very humid July so far. Some of the corn has begun to tassel in the Morrisburg and Winchester areas. It is an important time to scout the corn crop to check for any signs of disease in order to decide if a fungicide should be applied.


In most areas, the soybeans are growing well. Most of the soybeans I have seen recently are at the V2 or V3 stage.

Winter Wheat

Harvest has begun in some areas! So far, no confirmed yields, but quality has been good.

Forage Crops

Most fields have had a good harvest(s). There have been some issues with pigweed in some of the crop growing, but these have not been a big concern.

Please contact your local agronomist if you would like to discuss your crop.