I do not want to date myself but my first experience with the International Plowing Match was in 1983 when the match was held in Richmond, Ontario.  Our school trip was to experience the IPM. 

Growing up in the rural area not far from Richmond, it was exciting to have a day out of class.  Having no understanding of what this event was but it was a day out of school. 

Funny how things just happen, and we chuckle about them later in life.  My classmate and I while touring around the match came across a booth selling t-shirts, and of course I had to buy one.  This would be my souvenir of the event. 

The one I choose was a picture of a farm scene with the saying “My heart is in farming but my ass is in debt”.  Having not been raised on a farm, the humour and pride I achieved from this purchase must have seemed very odd to my parents and friends.

That was a prize shirt for many years while I was a teen.  Little did I know this would be the exposure that would lead me further into the agricultural realm.  Starting with my first 4-H club and learning how to quilt, cook, and sew expanded into livestock and showing beef calves.  And then of course, Allan Hills and Gib Patterson, offered a new club, you betcha, anyone who knows these two men, are well aware that the passion for plowing and golfing are big on their agendas.  Heading out to Kemptville College to the shop where we learned to do basic repairs on equipment to the year end achievement at the local plowing match.  These two deserve a medal!  To have the belief and faith to teach these young teens how to drive a tractor and plow and to let each one of us loose to be judged on our split, crown, and finish is not for the faint of heart.

4-H lead me to new friends who led me into the Junior Farmer Association.  And the list keeps growing. 

Marrying a farmer and building our life on our own farm has had so many experiences and learning opportunities. 

Nothing in life is easy, but when you love farming as deep in your soul as I do, it seems fate just keeps leading me down the right trail. 

Now, having adult children who share the same passion we do, and the agricultural bond continues. 

Who would have known that having the opportunity to attend the IPM in Richmond would open a whole new world I was unaware of, and to boot bring me to my true passion. 

Sometimes we need to listen to Dr. Seuss and “rejoice in the potential we all have to fulfill our wildest dreams”, planned or otherwise.  Being open to new experiences can lead you down the path with the happiest of futures.

Enjoy the plowing match!  I know I will.  Looking forward to meeting up with old friends and meeting new acquaintances.

Oh the places we will go.

Linda Vogel