At the PEI Spuds plant in Vernon Bridge, PEI, the Dundas and Soil and Crop Improvement Association tour group saw potato packaging in progress and the warehouse storage facility with bagged potatoes ready for shipping. Courtesy photos Graham Duke
Special to AgriNews
DUNDAS COUNTY – Dundas Soil and Crop Improvement Association held its annual bus trip on July 23 to 27. This year’s participants flew to Moncton, NB, and proceeded on by coach bus to PEI. The group toured 18 stops at farms and businesses, some of which included Gerrit Visser and Sons, Quality Seed & Table Potatoes – PEI Spuds – growers and packing plant in Vernon Bridge, PEI,, where they grow potatoes for seed and food consumption.
A group photo was taken at Point Prim Lighthouse, built in 1845, which is the first and oldest lighthouse in PEI and one of only a few round brick lighthouses in Canada.

North Atlantic Organics, located at Seacow Pond, PEI, process storm-tossed seaweed from the shores surrounding PEI and turn it into animal feed supplements and soil conditioners.
The group stopped in at Atlantic Soy Corp., a division of ProSeeds – Sevita International of Inkerman, Ont., located in Belle River, PEI. They hosted a barbecue lunch along with a tour of their state of the art separation, cleaning and storage facilities.

The Atlantic Soy Corp. facility, which is a division of ProSeeds – Sevita International of Inkerman, Ont., is dedicated to processing non-GMO soybeans and certified seed to international and domestic markets.
Next up was Brian and Amber Craswell’s Crasdale Farms in Hunter River, PEI. They have a high-pedigree herd along with the DeLaval Optimat feeding system and two VMS milking robots.
For a fun stop, some of the tour group went deep sea fishing and others went to Anne of Green Gables.
North Atlantic Organics, located at Seacow Pond, PEI, provided a tour at their facilities where they process storm-tossed seaweed from the shores surrounding PEI and turn it into animal feed supplements and soil conditioners.

Brian and Amber Craswell of Crasdale Farms in Hunter River, PEI, have a high-pedigree herd along with the DeLaval Optimat feeding system and two VMS milking robots. Coutesy photos Graham Duke
At Coleman, PEI, Trout River Industries Inc, opened its doors to its production facilities where they specialize in live bottom conveyor and shuttle floor trailers. They have grown to become Canada’s largest live bottom trailer manufacturer with production and expansion worldwide.
A great time was had by all and DSCIA would like to thank all participants and tour stop hosts for making this year’s tour, as well as other years, an enjoyable and successful fundraiser event for the organization.