Do you have more kids and youth around the farm this year? Are they wanting to help with chores this spring? Check out this resource from the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association (CASA) to help identify and plan safe and appropriate tasks: Courtesy Photo

Farming is one of the few occupations where children are likely to be present or onsite.

Because the family farm literally often includes children as well as their parents, the risk of accidents are higher because children are around.

Children, because of their age may not be able to comprehend or spot potential dangers around the farm, yet they are most likely exposed to dangerous equipment simply as part of the farm lifestyle.

Young adults working on the farm need to know what tasks are age appropriate for them.

Parents have the job of ensuring their children are safe on the farm.

“Youth doing work that doesn’t match their developmental level and abilities increases the risk of injury. Children, teens, and adults working on farms face hazards not encountered in other jobs,” stated a press release from the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association (CASA).

The most common injuries on the farm are:

  • Tractor Overturn Accidents: Workers can become pinned underneath tractors and other heavy machinery when they overturn;
  • Falls: Many jobs on the farm require workers to scale heights;
  • Entanglements and amputations;
  • Suffocation;
  • Burns;
  • Toxic exposure;
  • Animal injuries;
  • Vehicle accidents.

Clearly working on the farm can be extremely dangerous.

The Canadian Agricultural Safety Association (CASA) has created a wonderful online resource to help farmers and parents decide if the task they are encouraging their children to take part in or young people that will be working on the farm is age appropriate and safely undertaken.

All you have to do is search for the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association online, then when you are there, go to the top and click on resources then scroll down to “Ag Youth Guidelines.”

When you click on that you will be taken to a section filled with thumbnails of all activities expected to be found on a working farm. When you click on the thumbnail that applies to the task you are looking for, it will open up with a detailed list of information about that particular job.